We source our stock from reputable dealers from acorss Scotland. We specilize in edwardian and common era antiques and vintage collectables. We also have a range of hair brooches and jewllery avalable, curated by Lovage and Lace. We have listed some fantastic pieces on our online store:
Searching for the perfect “something blue” for a bride to be? Looking to track down some vintage blankets for your library? Kitchenalia? Nautical antiques? With our network of dealers and retailors, we can help you to find exacly what you are looking for.
If you’re in East Lothian, why don’t you come by our studio? Follow us on Instagram at @LovageAndLace to see what we have in stock. If you want to pick up somethiing in particular, give us a phone ahead and we’ll set it aside for you! Major caard payments accepted.
- Close up details of flea market stall in Bruges, Belgium
- Luxury fur coat very sofly in vintage style